Aux Pattern Evolution

8 minutes read

When learning Shapeless you will sooner or later encounter the so called Aux Pattern. There exists nice tutorial by Luigi Antonini - The Aux Pattern - A short introduction to the Aux Pattern which explains this pattern quite well and you will gain good understanding what problem this pattern is solving. I recommend you to go and read that blog post first and come back if you would feel that you are still missing something in a complete understanding of a said pattern. That was exactly my feeling and motivation to write this article.

In this article I’m going to take step back into the past and I’m going to show how Aux Pattern was initially implemented before the contemporary implementation made it into Shapeless 2.x.x.

As a driving example we will use following type class (in order to avoid any external dependecies):

trait Unwrap[T[_], R] {
  type Out
  def apply(tr: T[R]): Out

Purpose of this type class is following: given some type constructor T[_] (let’s call it container) with arbitrary type R inside of this container, it will produce some output value of type Out as a result.

Aux Pattern - why

Let’s suppose we have some values of type List[String] and List[Int] in our program (but we are not limited to List we can use any type constructor, for example Option), then we can write generic method extractor to process these values by use of type class Unwrap[T, R] like this:

def extractor[T[_], R](in: T[R])(
  unwrap: Unwrap[T, R]
): unwrap.Out = {

It is worth noting how this method is implemented.

  1. It takes generic input parameter in: T[R] (our List[String] or List[Int])
  2. Implicit parameter unwrap: Unwrap[T, R] is instance of our type class, which will be looked up in an implicit scope depending on the type parameters T and R of input value in (in our case T will be a List and R will be either a String or an Int).
  3. Return type of the method is path dependent type unwrap.Out (it depends solely on what implicit unwrap: Unwrap[T, R] value will be chosen by implicit search mechanism in point 2.).

We can provide instances of type class Unwrap[T, R] for List[String] and List[Int] in its companion object:

object Unwrap {
  implicit object listStringSize extends Unwrap[List, String] {
    type Out = Int
    def apply(tr: List[String]): Int = tr.size

  implicit object listIntMax extends Unwrap[List, Int] {
    type Out = Int
    def apply(tr: List[Int]): Int = tr.max

Given these implicit values we can now use our extractor method. Given List of Ints, it returns maximal value, but given List of Strings it returns size of the list itself.

scala> extractor(List(1,2,10,9))
res0: Unwrap.listIntMax.Out = 10

scala> extractor(List("1","2","10","9"))
res1: Unwrap.listStringSize.Out = 4

In both cases Out type is an Int but it can be an arbitrary type.

Up until now everything were working fine without any problems. Let’s now add another feature to our extractor method. Let’s say that aside from unwrap.Out return value itself we want also return String representation of this value. Let’s define another type class for that purpose named Printer[T].

trait Printer[T] {
  def apply(t: T): (String, T)

Definition of Printer[T] type class is trivial. It takes value of type T as a parameter and return String representation of a T together with T itself. We will define two instance of this type class. One for T being a String and one for T being an Int:

object Printer {
  implicit object stringPrinter extends Printer[String] {
    def apply(s: String): (String, String) = ("String: " + s, s)

  implicit object intPrinter extends Printer[Int] {
    def apply(i: Int): (String, Int) = ("Int: " + i, i)

Let’s now use Printer type class in our extractor method:

def extractor[T[_], R](in: T[R])(
  unwrap: Unwrap[T, R],
  withPrinter: Printer[unwrap.Out]
): (String, unwrap.Out) = {

Note that we are now using unwrap.Out not only as a return type, but also as a type parameter to our Printer type class in withPrinter: Printer[unwrap.Out]. We need to do that since we want compiler to provide us proper instance of a Printer type class in dependence on types T and R of an input parameter in.

This looks promising, unfortunately it won’t compile.

<console>:17: error: illegal dependent method type: parameter may only be referenced in a subsequent parameter section
         unwrap: Unwrap[T, R],

We’ve got some cryptic message from a compiler, but in an essence we hit a limitation in a Scala compiler how path dependent types and implicit values can interact. We need to came up with some workaround to overcome this limitation and this workaround is called Aux pattern.

Aux Pattern to the rescue

We are going to look at two different implementation of an Aux Pattern. Let’s give them names for purpose of this article:

  • Explicit - this is implementation of Aux Pattern used in Shapeless version 1.x.x. It is more verbose in comparison with version from Shapeless 2.x.x.
  • Concise - this is contemporary version of Aux Pattern you can find in Shapeless 2.x.x. It is more concise in comparison with Explicit version.

Aux Pattern - Explicit implementation

As a first step of Explicit implementation we are going to define auxiliary type class called UnwrapAux which will be the same as the Unwrap type class with the exception that the abstract type member Out will be removed and replaced by type parameter Out instead:

trait UnwrapAux[T[_], R, Out] {
  def apply(tr: T[R]): Out

Given this auxiliary type class UnwrapAux we can define implicit instances for it in companion object, similarly as we done before:

object UnwrapAux {
  implicit object listStringSize extends UnwrapAux[List, String, Int] {
    def apply(tr: List[String]): Int = tr.size

  implicit object listIntMax extends UnwrapAux[List, Int, Int] {
    def apply(tr: List[Int]): Int = tr.max

And surprisingly this is all we need to make extractor method work. We just use UnwrapAux in place of Unwrap and we add third type parameter Out to extractor method:

def extractor[T[_], R, Out](in: T[R])(
  unwrap: UnwrapAux[T, R, Out],
  withPrinter: Printer[Out]
): (String, Out) = {

Notice that in this implementation type Out is known beforehand so compiler knows what instance of Printer type class to search for.

But we are not done yet. Remember that in case of extractor implementation without Printer we returned path dependent type directly. Here is that implementation repeated once more:

def extractor[T[_], R](in: T[R])(
  unwrap: Unwrap[T, R]
): unwrap.Out = {

We don’t need our auxiliary UnwrapAux type class here as Unwrap type class is sufficient enough in this case. But for this method to work with Unwrap type class we need implicit instances of it, but we have only implicit instances for UnwrapAux type class. One solution would be to define same implicit instances for Unwrap as we did for UnwrapAux, but that would lead to code duplication which we want to avoid. Another possibility is to reuse existing implicit UnwrapAux instances for defining implicit Unwrap instances.

We can achieve this by defining implicit method which will take implicit type class parameter UnwrapAux[T, R, Out] and we will use this parameter value to construct instance of Unwrap[T, R] type class. We will define this implicit method in Unwrap companion object.

object Unwrap {
  implicit def unwrap[T[_], R, Out0](
      implicit unwrapAux: UnwrapAux[T, R, Out0]) = new Unwrap[T, R] {
    type Out = Out0
    def apply(tr: T[R]): Out = unwrapAux(tr)

Note that we need to use other name than Out for the name of a third type parameter in UnwrapAux type class as Out is a name of abstract type member of Unwrap type class itself. We can choose any name we like, but we will us name Out0 to emphasise connection between Out and Out0 types.

We just asked for implicit value of unwrapAux: UnwrapAux[T, R, Out0] and implemented Unwrap[T, R] by making abstract type member Out concrete by assigning it type parameter Out0 and we implemented def apply(tr: T[R]) method by passing input parameter tr: T[R] to unwrapAux.apply method.

And this is it. Aux Pattern with explicit conversion between UnwrapAux and Unwrap. I hope this will help you to understand how Concise version of Aux Pattern works.

Aux Pattern - Concise implementation

This version is used in a Shapeless 2.x.x and is also described in a blog post mentioned at the beginning.

One notable difference in comparison with Explicit version is that this version doesn’t have UnwrapAux type class at all.

We define implicit instances of the Unwrap type class as we did at the beginning ie. with type Out fixed to a concrete type. What we do extra though is to define auxiliary type type Aux[T[_], R, Out0] as an alias for refined type Unwrap[T, R] { type Out = Out0 }. Note that we are refining type Out in the same way as we did in Explicit implementation:

object Unwrap {

  type Aux[T[_], R, Out0] = Unwrap[T, R] { type Out = Out0 }

  implicit object listStringSize extends Unwrap[List, String] {
    type Out = Int
    def apply(tr: List[String]): Int = tr.size

  implicit object listIntMax extends Unwrap[List, Int] {
    type Out = Int
    def apply(tr: List[Int]): Int = tr.max

Usage of this concise implementation looks almost the same as usage with explicit UnwrapAux type class only with the difference that instead of UnwrapAux[T, R, Out] we will use Unwrap.Aux[T, R, Out] as a type for implicit value unwrap:

def extractor[T[_], R, Out](in: T[R])(
  unwrap: Unwrap.Aux[T, R, Out],
  withPrinter: Printer[Out]
): (String, Out) = {

If you are new to type refinement this imlementation may feel a little bit unclear. To make it more clear it can help to think in terms of Explicit implementation where we constructed auxiliary type manually. With time you will stop to worry about Aux Pattern workaround altogether and it became just natural building block to allow type dependent types to be used in single parameter block.

And that is all there is to Aux Pattern. I hope you’ve gained better familiarity with it by reading this blog post.

All code examples can be found on Github.

Recommended sources: Shapeless: Exploring Generic Programming in Scala


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